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Interview with Mr. B. in Grandvaux, August 2000
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After Mr. B. and his wife had moved in, we came to ask them what it was like to be in Switzerland:

Mr. and Mrs. B. visited many places in their search for the ideal country to retire in:

<<We look at countries in much the same way as we look at properties. What facilities do you get for the rent? You don’t simply seek the lowest rent when looking for a suitable property but rather seek a property whose rent offers good value. For countries, the rent is, of course, tax. We visited many countries before deciding on Switzerland. My wife and I went to Monaco, Andorra, Campione, the Bahamas and even the Seychelles. Even though, in most of these places, you don't pay any taxes, we felt that they did not offer good value when our own requirements for social and cultural facilities were considered.>>

             Mr B.

How does it feel to be in Switzerland for good?
Well, we already feel well-accepted and happy with our situation. Our local environment enjoys a wide range of nationalities and although the area is undoubtedly Swiss French in both speech and culture, we have found that the common language of communication is English. All of our neighbors have been friendly and welcoming and any reservations that we may have hold prior to our arrival have long since departed from our minds. In short, we are delighted with our decision.

What would you recommend to people who are contemplating retirement in Switzerland?
Certainly Switzerland offers any European a great deal by way of location, facility and culture. There is a lot to do and see and the Swiss have maintained their historical good sense in their dealings with foreign nationals seeking residency by developing very fair and trouble-free taxation arrangements. I would, therefore, strongly recommend that they pursue their interest to at least securing full details of these arrangements from some organization like your own so that they will have both a quantitative as well as a qualitative measure of their future within Switzerland, should they decide to relocate.

What was it like to work with Micheloud & Co.?
We found that Micheloud and Cie and M. Micheloud, the boss, in particular fulfilled every one of their promises. They were extremely accurate about the procedures, the timing and the eventual tax bill that would be levied so we had a trouble-free experience from start to finish. We have been so pleased with their service that we have provided them with a personal reference and would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them to anybody contemplating such a step.

This interview has been published with the consent of our client who has reviewed and approved it before it was published.

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