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From business in Australia to retirement in Grandvaux
Home > About us > Testimonials > Australia to Grandvaux

Gold down under Some people have uncommon destinies. Originally a physics teacher in the UK, Mr. B. found his life boring and lacking challenges. After having changed careers to the computer business and having worked for many years in sales, marketing and export both in the UK and internationally, he left Europe for Australia shortly after his 40th birthday.

There, with a partner, they set up a management consultancy and together rapidly became authorities in management consulting and company rescue, operating throughout the entire Australian continent. Although highly successful and making very good income, Mr. B. and his partner were not entirely satisfied. Income was excellent but capital growth and personal wealth were lacking.

They, therefore, began to investigate an array of business opportunities, matching them against a criteria grid that they had devised. After several months, it became clear that one opportunity seemed to match all criteria a specific type of waste management system which could target both the residential and industrial communities throughout Australia.

Once the idea was born, a new company was launched which, during its first year of operation, grew from 5 to 1000 employees and was lauched on the stock market. (remember that waste management is not high-technology and that Australia is not Silicon valley). This company was eventually sold to a large conglomerate and Mr. B. and his partner went on to run other public companies equally successfully.

Preferring to leave the game at the peak of its success, Mr. B. retired from business life a few years after the initial IPO. He and his wife then began enjoying their early retirement between Australia, New Zealand and England where the majority of their family ties remained.

Switzerland: low taxes and conveniently located
After having lived in the Southern Hemisphere for the last 20 years, Mr. B. and his wife, both British, wanted to relocate to a less remote part of the world. They had enjoyed life in Australia and New Zealand very much, but were tired of the 24-hour flights to see their families in Europe. They began to look for a suitable country for retirement but did not wish to compromise the great quality of life they had found in Australia and New Zealand.

Mr. B.’s earlier business stay in Switzerland a quarter of a century earlier still held good memories so, after revisiting Switzerland to check current conditions, he and his wife concluded that Switzerland offered the best facilities and qualities for their retirement:

  • Centrally located in the world and in Europe
  • Good connections to England
  • English widely spoken
  • English language films, books, videos, etc widely available
  • Excellent medical services
  • High quality of life: good restaurants, hotels, shops, products and services
  • Favorable climate, neither too wet or cold, nor too hot
  • Friendly tax system
  • Stunning landscapes (they got used to them in Australasia and New Zealand)

Applying for residence from New Zealand
When Mr. B. first contacted us he was not sure whether it was possible for him to be a legal resident in Switzerland or the amount of tax for which he would be liable. After having explained to him the details regarding a fiscal deal B permit, and how Micheloud & Co. could take care of the everything, Mr. B. found the proposal attractive and decided to proceed. Working together, it took us a few months to gather all the required documents as they were spread over several continents, but we finally got our applications together and waited for the answers from the Swiss administration. The cantonal taxation authority swiftly approved the fiscal deal, allowing Mr. B. to pay a very acceptable yearly tax, and soon the immigration authorities approved their residence permits. Apart from one meeting at our offices, Micheloud & Co. took care of the entire procedure while Mr. B. was a good 9'000 km away, in New Zealand. Mr. B. began arranging his affairs abroad while we were receiving one approval after the other from the municipal, cantonal and federal administrations. The duty-free importation of their personal effects, legal requirements, costs of insurance, car importation and Swiss pet regulations were significant topics, all of which were resolved to Mr. B’s satisfaction. Thus, when the Federal approval finally arrived, Mr. and Mrs. B. were immediately ready to move to Switzerland. 

A view of the Lavaux(© Switzerland Tourism)

Finding a home
Mr. B. knew the Lake Geneva area very well from having lived several years in the region. He and his wife began to look for a house between Geneva and Montreux, but after a fruitless search they came back to us for help. With our house search service, our team was able to locate several attractive apartments and houses for rent that Mr. B. and his wife had been unable to find themselves. They decided to rent a lovely house in a tranquil neighborhood high above Grandvaux, with a breathtaking view overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps. Their house extends over 3floors and includes a big living room and open kitchen, two terraces, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage in one of the most exclusive wine-growing villages of the Lavaux area, Grandvaux. Rent-wise, Mr. and Mrs. B. are very content and feel they have found excellent value for their money.

Read the interview with Mr. B. where he explains why he visited many other countries where he could retire before choosing Switzerland, how he compared them and what he thinks about our company.

This article has been published with the consent of our client who has reviewed and approved it before it was published.

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