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Please send me train schedule, tourist information, the phone number of a long lost friend, etc... by return email
Home > FAQ > Our services > Other questions

We are a for-profit business. We are not an official Swiss information agency. Sorry, but we cannot be everything to everybody. Questions unrelated to our business will not receive an answer*.

Here are a few typical requests we receive but don't answer:

Train schedules
The best source is the official Swiss train site, It gives you all schedules within, to, and from Switzerland in 4 languages, including English.

Sometimes people ask us the phone number of some person or company in Switzerland. We are not the phonebook company, but if you need them they do have a website. We use and

Information about Swiss ancestors
Many Swiss moved to South America during the 1850s. If you are the descendant of such Swiss, we congratulate you for your interest in your family roots. We do not, however, offer genealogical services. We don't know where you can find some either.

Swiss job search
We do not offer job search services in Switzerland. If you want to find a job in Switzerland, you need to look for it yourself. We don't know of any services that look for jobs. We do not handle work permits for individuals either.

Tourist information
Our site contains a lot of information about Switzerland but we are not the Swiss tourist office. If you need tourist information please visit, the official Swiss tourist office.

Information for school projects
You will find lots of information about Switzerland on our site and on an official Swiss government website, If you want to know more, you can call the Swiss embassy in your country and ask to talk to the cultural attaché whose job it is to make Switzerland better known.

*Readers who have been able to locate the magic email address where one can send any question and receive an answer within 24 hours are invited to send it to us. They will receive a Micheloud & Cie tee-shirt.

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